
The Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC) is a network of industry, academic, government and non-governmental leaders working together to help businesses that provide energy storage solutions.

The cluster is focused on businesses that provide the innovative development, production, promotion and deployment of hydrogen fuels and fuel cells to meet the pressing demand for energy storage solutions.  Through this initiative the cluster works to:

  • Accelerate Innovation
  • Improve Development and Production Efficiencies
  • Increase Knowledge & Awareness
  • Accelerate Adoption and Deployment
  • Improve Energy Security & Reliability
  • Drive Economic Growth
  • Protect our Global Environment

NEESC supports the electrochemical energy storage cluster in the Northeast through business services that include training, counseling, mentoring, technology transfer/commercialization, export readiness, manufacturing assistance, market development, and incubator assistance. These activities will lead to increased US based market share, economic activity, productivity, technology deployment, and job creation.

The cluster is based in New York, New Jersey, and the New England States.  Its initial formation and development was funded through the US Small Business Administration’s Innovative Economies Initiative and administered by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT).  CCAT  works with regional partner organizations to facilitate the development and use of clean, highly efficient electrochemical technology.  Our partner organizations include:
